Words to Get Going With? (Milton Berle said he spent the first 30 minutes of his act clearing his throat)

“In a world where the rules are breaking down, where the world is changing so fast in all directions that a lot of people have a sense of bewilderment. You don’t actually know what the rules are anymore.” Salman Rushdie



Clever Ideas Happen Here

Hello again out there, Hank here, welcome to you all, to “WalkyTalky,” which is what I am, really, my reason for being here as a human, because I walk around town and I talk to people as a folk journalist, listening to them. Conducting conversations for NPR, newspapers, magazines, sites for sore eyes.

Pretty much any electrical outlet in the storm.

Times are tough, right tough for folks looking for a good talk. Am I right?

Like my friend Kris in North Dakota says, “the thing is” technology connects us in so many new ways. At the same time things appear to be pulling apart everywhere we look. But just as a few fantastic discoveries have changed the world, I’m confident there’s enough time left to discover another.

Imagine the voice of the radio announcer, stirring up underneath himself such stirring music that aides him as he intones: And, as we find ourselves more and more forever facing books on computers and faces inside our phones…friends, do you tend to, in the face of it:

 1) Shut down and just say nothing at all?

2) Bark at it all from the outside you chirping tweety bird maddog blogging machine that you most wannabe?

or are you finding yourself

3) Disconnecting, into what Beatle John called, Iiiiiii…solation.*

4) Taking up an armful of words in order to fire back, and thusly: Engage!

Because here comes your chance to hitch a ride on the road to better handling a confusing world’s daily swirl of events.


By using words to take action with!

People are always excited when I tell them I’m writing this web log. Because they see new conversations everywhere they look and work on their iChatty Cathy podcasting home-studio screens of some sort or another sort. They agree with me that modern youth’s socialization doesn’t prepare them for presenting one’s self well in the oldest form of the art: face-to-face conversation.

Another way of saying this is, Can we tawk?

WalkyTalky will present fun ways to forget your social fears and forge ahead, screenlessly happy again.


By helping you converse – take part in actual conversations— by pulling from your quiver the sharpest words fireable — zing! fling! sing!– for any occasion. Perfectly useable at any appropriate (and inappropriate) time, by employing at-the-ready retorts, references from movies, songs, TV cartoons from 1964 and yes, by going even deeper (like that’s possible), you’ll win your life with words. Some of these things you’ve never heard before (thanks ghod!) but can one day utilize to your own delight, because I’m telling you folks, We’ve got a great big Convo and baby we’re gonna ride! [SING-A-LONG PARODY OF “CONVOY” FROM MOVIE “CONVOY” TK]

So let’s roll.

Why and why now?

Because as Beck sings, My time is a piece of wax fallin’ on a termite/who’s choking on the splinters.


(If you have time, check out this hilarious video of it * *)

Yes, because time’s a-wastin’,  just say the word.

Words are the way to share time together, most excellently and well-played, sir!

And they’re surely some of the best ways to continue a conversation…

FolkJournalistInterviewAboardAmtrak copy

Fingerpuppet Freud interview amuses Amtrak passengers aboard Southwest Chief




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